Monday, December 10, 2007

Metro floor goo

Yuckass! Gooass fucking DC Metro station floors. Those little hexagonal tiles with their toasty cinnamon color mask an invisible menace: a viscous sheet of mucous that is surely dissolving the soles of innocents.

When I was a teenager I worked in an ice cream shop. On Saturdays when we were really scoopin' like mad the floor would get covered with goo. We shuffled along in the slop, too busy to clean. Metro flloors are the same: too slippery to stride around with confidence but still enough elastic friction in the slime to keep you from skating. Maybe it's caused by the snow. Or Mescan ice cream.

Gooey floors aside, DC Metro stations are mod. You feel as if you might be going somewhere official. To a launchpad. Or a super techy government office in the side of a mountain where maybe some top secret shit is getting filed by chicks in space suits, like pneumatic gymnasts with an aura gravity denial . Metro stations are designed and built in such a fashion that riders want to keep them clean.Good plubic design and service creates civic pride. But what do I know? I'm kind of a hick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.